The theme 'tca' is not available
You changed some entries on the current object which havent been saved. Are you sure
you want to discard the changes? |
CancelCloseDo you want to logout from the Cpronto system? All unsaved changes will be lost!No data has been foundOKUploadAn error occured. Please repeat your last action.
If this message occurs more
frequently, report this error with the number "{0}" to your administrator.The attribute {0} must be unique. Another object with the value {1} already
Please choose another value.The server is down. Please wait until it
is available again and restart your applicationServer not availableYour browser session has expired. Please
refresh the application.Session TimeoutThe request to the server took too long.Please try
again laterServer TimeoutCancelCloseDo you want to logout from the Cpronto system? All unsaved changes will be lost!No data has been foundOKAn error occured. Please repeat your last action.
If this message occurs more
frequently, report this error with the number "{0}" to your administrator.The attribute {0} must be unique. Another object with the value {1} already
Please choose another value.The server is down. Please wait until it
is available again and restart your applicationServer not availableYour browser session has expired. Please
refresh the application.Session TimeoutThe request to the server took too long.Please try
again laterServer TimeoutUpload